

Age=13/25  = "young" people Gender-male = stereotype Education=high school/uni = students who have spare time Social class=lower/middle class  = people who are trying to distract there kids Race= coloured people = most characters coloured/relatable Profession=students  = people who have more time Home=city  =    for people who are bored

stranger things analaysise

 what meaning is communicated and how is it communicated? POINT: The opening of stranger things establishes the lighting as essential for recognising tense and scary moments in the series. EVIDENCE: We know this because we see the lighting begin to flicker and change brightness when charecters are seen panicked. EXPLANATION: This has connotations of chaos and uncontrollability as the lights appear to react to whats happening around them.





winter fruit bowl raadhiya



  1) I can see in the image there's a logo that says dig toilets not graves, this is telling people to help by donating  there a kid in the picture suggesting the kid does not have a toilet which will make people feel bad and also privileged because they have no toilet while you have one.


  Media blog task 1.The part of media I am most looking forward to is making a music video. 2.The devices I use mostly are  tv,music and social media. 3.My average screen time is 8 hours. 4.The last tv program/film was young sheldon. 5. The device I use to listen to music is my tv and phone. I use spotify on my phone and youtube on my tv. 6. I play video games. Sometimes I play Fortnite and call of duty. 7. I'm on social media and my favourite apps are tiktok and youtube which are also the ones I use most of the time . 8. I think the media is good and bad for kids because it can help give people opportunities for life like  becoming an influencer but the bad thing is kids being exposed to things that are not meant to be seen  by young people like adult content. Extended task: 1.Ncuti Gatwa becoming Doctor Who was significant because he was the first black doctor ,he is also one of the first young doctors in doctor who. 2. I think the aspect of the clip that people might enjoy is th